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Profits in the stock market(股市利润)pdf下载

时间:2016-08-28 16:24 来源:股窜网 作者:GuCuan 阅读:
"Profits in the Stock Market" by H.M. Gartley was originally published in 1935.
At this time the book was contained in a three-ring binder. Less than 1000 copies were
originally sold.
I purchased the copyrights from Mrs. Gartley in 1979. After a long, tedious job of
getting this classic reprinted, "Profits in the Stock Market" is finally complete in this
hardbound edition.
All of the original charts are enclosed in a separate envelope which accompanies
the book. In order to retain authenticity, we have not redrawn any of the charts but
have made reproductions from the originals.
It may interest you to know that the Market Technicians Association, at its Florida
meeting recently, gave its annual award to H.M. Gartley for his contributions to the
field of technical analysis.
I believe you will find this book was worth waiting for.
Billy Jones, Publisher
Lambert-Gann Publishing Co.
Pomeroy, Washington, 1981
I The Technical Approach to the Problem
of Stock Trading 1
II Charts-The Averages 35
III A Chart Portfolio 81
IV The Long Term and Major Trends 91
V The Intermediate Trend 111
VI The Minor Trend 155
VII The Tenets of the Dow Theory 173
VIII Tops and Bottoms, Supply and Demand Areas, Reversals 205
IX Triangles 225
X Trend Lines 237
XI Moving Averages 251
XII Gaps 281
XIII Net Change Oscillators 291
XIV Volume of Trading 299
XV Breadth-of-the-Market 319
XVI Figure Charts 327
XVII Comparative Group and Stock Studies
(Selecting the Right Stocks) 389
XVIII Profits in the Stock Market
(Summary) 425
Index 433

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