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(1931) Usage of Gann SQ9 & Hexagon Chart.pdf下载

时间:2023-11-13 23:14 来源:股窜网 作者:股窜网 阅读:
Here's how this structure becomes a calculator...
Find the number 15 on the Square of Nine . If a stock was trading at a price of $15, what are the
price objectives using a Gann Wheel? The number 15 is perfectly aligned under the zero and
360 degree angle marked on the top of the Wheel. Because the number 15 is aligned with zero
we need make no further adjustments, just read the Gann targets straight off the wheel. The 45
degree price objective from 15 is 17. It is the next number that aligns with the 45 degree line that
travels towards the top right corner. The number 19 crosses were the 90 degree line was drawn.
We would use the phrase, "$19 is 90 degrees up from $15." Now skip over to 180 degrees and
find $23 is directly opposite $15. We would still say, "23 is 180 degrees up from 15". At 270
degrees $28 is the price objective. A full 360 degrees up from 15 is $34. That is how a Gann
Wheel is used.
Why did we skip the bottom right corner angle which would be 135 degrees? Because like
Fibonacci, some calculations are more important than others. The Fibonacci ratios 0.382, 0.500.
0.618, 1.000, and 1.618 are relationships we know are the critical ratios to identify. This is also
how the various Gann angles are interpreted. We have a circle that is divided into quarters and
sixths, but we also need to divide 360 degrees into thirds because 120 degrees and 240 are
extremely important. The angles of greatest interest in financial markets are 45, 90, 120, 180,
240, 270, 315, and 360.

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