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时间:2023-11-13 23:11 来源:股窜网 作者:gucuan 阅读:

Since everything moves in a circle and nothing moves in straight lines, this chart is to show you how the angles influence stocks at very low levels and very high levels and why stocks move faster the higher they get, because they have moved out to w假牙 the distance between the angles of 45 are so far apart that t假牙 is nothing to stop them and their moves are naturally rapid up and down.

因为任何事物都是循环运动,没有什么东西是直线运动的,所以这个图是想展示给你角度是怎么在比较高和比较低的价格水平时影响股票价格变化的,以及为什么当股票达到比较高的价格时会出现比较快速的运动。 原因是他们已经移动到距离45度角足够远的分离位置,没有什么能使他们停下来,她们的运动自然而然的就是飞速的上或者下。

We begin with a circle of “1” , yet the circle is 360* just the same . We then place a circle of circles around this circle and six circles complete the second circle , making a gain of 6 over the first one , ending the second circle at 7, making 7 on this angle ,a very important month, year , and week as well as days , the seventh day being sacred and a day of rest .

在六边形里最开始的位置是 1 ,也正好是360度的循环位置。然后我们放置一个循环中的循环在这循环中,6个循环后结束第二个循环,距离初始位置增加了6。第二循环的结束位置是7,7在这里可以代表重要的月.年.周.日 ,而7日就正好是上帝安排的安息日。



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