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进场和出场 参观16间交易室pdf下载

时间:2024-04-04 19:20 来源:股窜网 作者:股窜网 阅读:
进场和出场 参观16间交易室pdf下载

You are about to meet 16 private traders. Some trade for a living, while others are still at semiprofessional level, clawing their way to the upper rung. These men and women live in different countries, trade different markets, and use different methods, but all share several traits - most importantly their dedication to trading. They are utterly serious about their work, while most amateurs, who supply the bulk of their winnings, are chasing the excitement of an adrenaline rush.
你会遇到 16 位个人交易者。其中一些人已经是以交易为生了,其他人还是半个专业人士,正在往上爬。这些人在不同的国家生活,在不同的市场交易,使用不同的方法,但是他们都有共同的特点——最重要的就是对交易的执着。虽然大部分都是业余选手,他们都对交易非常认真,都在追求交易的刺激,都想赢。

The people you are about to meet have generously agreed to describe their methods and show their actual trades. Why would they do that? Why would a person who knows how to trade talk to anyone instead of keeping his or her mouth shut and grinding out profits in silence?

The secret of trading is that there is no secret. There is no magic formula you can buy or steal and plug into your computer to automatically make money. Success is based on discipline, hard work, and a bit of flair. These traders know that their success will not be diminished by the success of others, which is why they are willing to show you what they do. Also, many have traveled a hard road and feel kind toward beginners.
Trading is an immensely rich field, and no one can become an expert in all aspects of it, just like a doctor cannot be an expert in every field of medicine. Many beginners spread themselves painfully thin between investing and day-trading, between stocks, futures, and options. You’re about to see that almost all successful people find one area that appeals to them and specialize in it.
People become successful when they focus on what they love to do. In reading this book you will probably come across a trading vehicle you like or a concept that appeals to you. Once you find it, stay with it and mine that area for its rich deposits. I wrote this book to help you break out of isolation, learn from others, pick up ideas that suit your style, and return to your trading room a better, more confident trader.

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